When to Start Using a Baby Monitor?

Start using baby monitor

Baby monitors are helpful devices. If you’re a new parent wondering when the best time is to start using a baby monitor, you’re in the right place.

When we brought our first kid home, my partner and I wondered if we needed to use the baby monitor immediately or wait a few weeks. I learned from my research that it’s up to personal preference, but there are some tips about what might work best. 

I’m here to teach you all I know about when to get a baby monitor for your newborn, infant, or toddler.

This article will cover:

  1. When do you start using a baby monitor?
  2. How old should your baby be to start using a monitor?
  3. When is it safe to put a baby to bed with a monitor?
  4. Should you use a baby monitor at night?
  5. Should you use a baby monitor if your child sleeps in your room?
  6. How long can you use a baby monitor?
  7. Which monitor should you start with?
  8. Takeaway

If you’re seeking for the best baby monitor and hoping to find real reviews from real parents. You should check out this list I created of the top baby monitors.

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When do you start using a baby monitor?

In short, there is no “right” time to start using a baby monitor. Every parent does it differently, and you’ll find that each has a good reason for their choice.

The best advice is to discuss it with your partner and decide when works best for your family. You can apply the information in this article to guide your decision towards a situation that feels safe and beneficial.

How old should your baby be to start using a monitor?

You can start using a baby monitor for your newborn, infant, or even toddler. There is nothing wrong with waiting, nor is there any harm in using one early on in your child’s life, as long as you follow other safety rules.

However, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends your infant sleep in your room through the first 6 months of life. This will affect at what age you start using a baby monitor because having your infant in the same room makes the device redundant.

There are some other considerations to keep in mind. So look below for my advice for using this device with each age group.


Some parents decide to use a monitor from day one to provide that extra peace of mind. Others prefer to only utilize their parental instincts for the first few months.

The most important thing to remember with newborns and infants is that you must implement very specific sleeping practices to prevent SIDS, regardless of whether you have a monitor. If you use safe sleeping practices, check on your child, and don’t rely only on the device, it’s totally fine to use it for your newborn.


Infants can be super tricky sleepers – as you well know! A baby monitor might be extremely useful during these years, especially after your child no longer sleeps in your room.

Using the gadget to listen to your infant sleeping can let you know if your tot is awake and needs comfort. Continue to use safe sleeping practices and listen to your parental instincts, and it may give you extra peace of mind about your child’s sleep quality.


If you decide to wait until toddlerhood, you’ll still get the benefits! It’s more common than you may think for parents to forgo the monitor during the infant years but then begin to use one when their baby starts moving around independently.

Baby monitors can be used to check in on your toddler when they’re playing alone or napping. It might actually come in handier than when your kiddo was little! You can see if your toddler is making safe choices, what games they’re playing, or just take a peek at their cuteness.

When is it safe to put a baby to bed with a monitor?

As soon as you feel comfortable, it’s safe to put your child to bed with a monitor. In all likelihood, you won’t feel comfortable doing so immediately after bringing your baby home – which is good.

The first few days and weeks are better without a monitor because you will get in tune with your baby’s sleep habits and needs. Otherwise, there is no danger to using one with an infant as long as you continue to check on them and do not rely only on the device.

Should you use a baby monitor at night?

The answer depends on the setup of your home, your hearing, and where your child is sleeping. Again, if you and your tot sleep in the same room, there is less need.

You’ll be able to hear your infant crying if you’re in the same room. However, if your baby sleeps in a nursery, it might be helpful to use one overnight. Also, consider your sleep habits. Are you a heavy sleeper? If so, a monitor might be beneficial.

Do you use a baby monitor during nap time?

Naptime is one of the best times to use a baby monitor, in my opinion. That tends to be when I get the most work done because I’m awake enough to be productive while the kiddos are sleeping soundly.

It’s helpful to have a monitor for those moments. Because I’m getting work done and doing things around the house, it can be harder for me to hear if my kiddos wake up or call for me. It’s not totally necessary to have one during nap time, but it has given me extra help on those days.

Do you use a baby monitor during playtime?

If you start using a baby monitor for your toddler, playtime is a great opportunity to use it. Now that my kids are old enough to play independently, I like to keep it on to easily check in on them if I leave the room.

Using a monitor during playtime will let you observe your toddler and make sure they’re playing safely while still giving you the freedom to do your own work. However, a newborn or infant should never have independent playtime without your supervision.

Should you use a baby monitor if your child sleeps in your room?

A baby monitor is only useful for shared rooms if your infant naps in there alone. If you’re in the room at night, you won’t need a monitor!

On the other hand, it’s actually very useful to have one if your baby sleeps in a nursery. It depends on the size of your house, the thickness of your walls, and your hearing. If you live in a large home or struggle hearing things between rooms, then a monitor will be your best friend.

How long can you use a baby monitor?

There are as many opinions on this topic as there are parents in the world! You can use a baby monitor for the first 6 months, 2 years, or even older than 5 years. It all depends on your family’s needs.

Learn more about the best time to stop using a monitor in my other articleOpens in a new tab., where I describe why I still use one with my young children.

Which monitor should you start with?

There are tons of different baby monitors to choose from. The most common are audio and video monitors, but there are also high-tech options that check your child’s breathing, heart rate, temperature, and more.

Professionals do not recommend baby breathing or heart rate monitors because they are rarely accurate. Instead, start with a basic audio or video monitor. If you want to hear that your baby is awake, check on their sleep position, or just take a quick peek at their sweet face, a video monitor will work.


Always remember that a baby monitor is not a substitute for your supervision. If you choose to use one, continue to exercise safe sleeping practices, check on your baby, and follow your parental instincts and the advice of your doctor.

You can start using it at any age – it’s up to your family. There is no harm to using one for a newborn, infant, toddler, or even young child, provided you still implement a safe sleeping space.

These gadgets can be used at any point in your baby’s life and for any occasion. Consider the layout of your house, your hearing capacity, and where your kiddo sleeps when deciding when you should start using a baby monitor.

P.S. If you’re seeking for the best baby monitor and hoping to find real reviews from real parents. You should check out this list I created of the top baby monitors.

To get the best insights and tips to find the best baby monitor, I read more than 300 reviews online and ask my friends or others parents. From all their insights and my own experience, I’ve built this list of the best baby monitors.

Watchful Dad

HI, I'm the Watchful Dad, and I have two precious monkeys at home that I love with all my heart. I will share with you the tips to keep your kids safe while letting them be the little explorers they should be.

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