Besides being a convenient portable bed for kids, used for naps or sharing a small bedroom, playards and playpens also have these other purposes.
Playards are mainly used by families as a portable bed for their kids. Because of its small size and foldable option, it’s ideal for sharing a bedroom with your baby. Also, all playpens are convenient for day time naps or independent playtime while you take care of chores around the house. There’s no dought why parents need a playpen!
Let’s go over the different ways I used the playpen with my kids and why do you need a pack ‘n play playard.
1. Napping
Playards are perfect for napping. Let’s say you are visiting a friend during the day or having dinner at your parent’s house, and you’re baby or toddler needs to take a nap. This is when a portable pack ‘n play comes handy.
Also, many parents, with more than one child, prefer to have their baby napping in a quiet room of the house. It’s particularly true for siblings sharing a bedroom. Your youngest can sleep while others have access to the room and toys.
Moreover, it trains your kid to sleep in new places, which is essential for planning a vacation or just a sleepover at grandparent’s house.

2. Sharing room
In the first few weeks after your child is born, chances are you’ll be sharing a bedroom. It is convenient, especially for nursing at night, because you’ll quickly fall back asleep if you don’t have to walk to another room.
However, your bedroom might have limited space, and this is where a playard becomes the ideal solution.
Also, some model of pack ‘n play comes with a bassinet feature, that put your baby at the same level as your bed. This feature is notably convenient to keep your baby close while nursing at night, without having to co-sleep in the same bed.
Besides, the transition to a sperate bedroom will be smoother if your kid sleeps in the same playard.
On the other hand, a playard is also used to share a bedroom with siblings. Because of its size, the playard can be easily add in a kid’s bedroom.
3. Playtime
Independent playtime is essential for your kid’s development. Therefore, the playpen is an ideal space where your child can play alone (with your supervision).
Inside the playpen, he can safely roll and crawl around without risking to hit his head.
4. Do chore around the house
You can take care of your to-do list while keeping an eye on your little one at the same time.
While your kid is playing with his toys inside the playard, you can take care of your chores. If you have to cook or fold laundry, the playpen is the extra help you need.

5. Small break
Having a playpen is also handy when you need a small break. Notably, when the UPS guy knocks at the door, you get a phone call from your mother, another child requires your attention, or you simply need a toilet break.
There are tones of situations during a typical day where you need both of your hands-frees.
Sometimes, you just need a safe place where you can put your kid while you take a minute to relax.
6. Deck, patio and balcony
When you are outside of the house, and the area is not safe to let baby crawl and explore, a playpen might be the ideal solution.
Yes, you could install a baby gate, but when you have guests walking up and down the stairs, chances are someone will forget to close the gate. This could result in a severe accident.
Therefore, its a smart move to set up the playard on the deck and make sure your baby play safely with his toys.
7. Visting family and friends
Having children doesn’t mean you can’t leave the house. Consequently, a playard is the ideal solution to visit family and friends.
From my experience, children sleeping in a new environment can be challenging, and having to sleep in their own playard can be reassuring. My playard was used a lot for dinner at a friend’s house or sleepover at my parents. At some point, I even bought 2 more pack ‘n play that I kept at the grandparent’s house.
On top of that, our playard became the extra kid’s bed I needed when I receive friends at home. I could easily set it up in the guest room to accommodate parents with a baby or a toddler.
8. Hotels and Airbnb
When you are on vacation, chances are you’ll be sleeping at the hotel or an Airbnb. However, not every place will have an extra kid’s bed or crib. This is when a playard becomes the ideal portable travel bed.
A must-have when you are traveling with kids.

9. Beach trip
Imagine your self relaxing at the beach while reading a book and enjoying a cold drink. Now, try to do the same thing while having your baby in your arms. I don’t know for you, but for me, this is not working. Plus, my baby definitely doesn’t want to be held all the time. Both of them always wanted to escape at the first opportunity they get. This is when I realize that my playard was also very valuable at the beach.
I use the playpen as a safe place to put my baby while I’m preparing lunch or taking care of my other kid. Also, my baby needed to take a nap in the afternoon, and the playard was the ideal place for it.
Simply find a spot with enough shade to put the pack ‘n play under. It could be a large umbrella, a tent, or a three. Otherwise, you could also throw a blanket over the top. Just make sure your baby doesn’t stay under the sun for long. Otherwise, the playard becomes a small oven.
10. Camping
From my experience, a playard is essential for camping with a baby. We go camping 4 or 5 times per year, and we try every set up possible. The playard has proven it’s utility over time, and here’s why you should consider it too!
First, a tent or an RV can be scary and exciting at the same time. Therefore your baby could feel more comfortable sleeping inside a more familiar environment (the pack ‘n play). Being alone in a tent is not safe for a young infant, especially with all the mattresses, blankets, clothes, and other camping gear. The playard is the safest place where your child could sleep while camping.
Moreover, the playard can be used during the day, as a safe place to play while you are cooking hamburgers or helping another child.
If you take the playard outside the tent, just make sure to get a mosquito net to cover the top of the playard. There’s nothing more regretful than a baby crying at night from all the mosquito bites.

11. Picnic at the park
We love a picnic at the local park and relax on a blanket while enjoying snacks with the family. However, babies want to explore and will escape the safe cover of the blanket at the first chance they get.
When your baby feels like playing (or taking a nap), having a playard becomes handy. If you go to the park for an hour or two, a playard is not helpful, but for the whole afternoon, it sure is!
12. Improvise baby gate
This might not be completely safe, but sometimes you need to improvise. Let’s say you are traveling with your toddler, and inside your Airbnb apartment, there is a large library fill heavy books or a collection of glass. You sure don’t want your little explorer to climb the library or play with the glass. Placing the playpen in front of it could potentially save you a trip to the ER or an extra charge on your credit card for broken furniture.
However, as I said, this is the last resort option for a non-fatal situation. You can’t use the playard to secure a balcony door or staircase. Still, it’s a totally acceptable solution to protect the Christmas tree or any other decor items.
13. Safe storage
Let’s stay in the Christmas theme, and imagine your toddler is completely fascinated by the colorful gifts under the tree. A quick solution to save the surprise could be to put the Christmas gift inside the playard.
A playpen can also be used to keep objects from your kid’s reach.
Playards are being mainly used for naps or independent playtime, but they also have many other benefits.
From my experience, a pack ‘n play is one of those essential baby gear. I had 2 playards at home, plus I end up buying 2 more for my parent’s house. I have used them so many times. It’s was money well spent.
There are tones of baby stuff you should skip, but this one is truly useful.
It’s easy to use, it has more than one purpose, and it’s not super expensive. You won’t regret it!