When my first kid was born, I was looking around the house for potential danger, and I didn’t know where to start. However, by the time our second child arrives, I knew precisely what needs to be done. Here’s the product I’ve used to childproof my home and keep my babies safe.
Baby proofing your home is essential if you have children living with you. The house itself can be dangerous, because of the stairs, the doors, the windows, but it also contain dangerous items, toxic cleaning product, and heavy furniture which are a threat to your kid. By installing the following essential childproofing product, you’ll create a safe home for your family.
Baby gates
In my experience, a baby gate is the essential childproofing product you could get. Especially if you live in a house with multiple rooms and stairs.
1. Baby gate for stairs and doorway

Cardinal Gates SS-30 Stairway Special
The staircase is probably the most dangerous place in your house for a baby. Your kid could fall down the stairs and get seriously injured.
Installing a baby gate will prevent those cruel accidents. Furthermore, a baby gate can be installed into a doorway to block your kid from going to an unsafe area of the house.
For all the shipping details and price for the Cardinal Gates SS-30 Stairway Special, check Amazon here.
2. Free-standing baby gate

Regalo adjustable gate
Every house configuration is different, and sometimes you need to fence a room in half to keep your child from reaching unsafe items.
To safely divide a room you can use a free-standing baby gate. The fence is made of multiple panels, that can be shaped into a custom safety gate.
In my experience, it works great to fence the fireplace or the Christmas tree.
For all the shipping details and price for the Regalo adjustable gate, check Amazon here.
3. Fireplace metal gates

Regalo adjustable gate
We have a fireplace in the living room, and I absolutely love it. The dilemma is my kids want to play with it too, and that is a problem, especially when theirs a fire inside.
The fireplace is an accident waiting to happen if it’s not correctly gated. To prevent such misfortunes, you should get this metal gate primarily made for your fireplace. This gate can be adapted to any fireplace configuration.
For all the shipping details and price for the Regalo adjustable gate, check Amazon here.
4. Railing safety net

Safety 1st kids safety Railnet
Your railing should also be childproof because a baby or even a toddler could squeeze itself between the posts and risk a severe fall.
To keep your children safe, you should install a safety Railnet along the railing of your stairs or balcony. This childproofing product is made of durable mech fabric and can be adapted to any railing configuration or size.
For all the shipping details and price for the Safety 1st kids safety Railnet, check Amazon here.
Doors and windows
Every kid loves to play with doors. They swing, they close, they make a funny noise, and it’s all fun and game until they get hurt. The real issue is not a pinched finger, but what behind that door. Some items must be kept away from children reach.
Here’s how you can baby proof your doors, cabinets, drawers, and windows.
5. Cabinet locks

Safety 1st Magnetic Locking System
One of the first things you want to baby proof in your kitchen is the cabinets and drawers. The cabinets doors and drawers are well known for pinching little fingers.
Installing cabinets locks will keep your food, kitchen knives and cleaning products out of your kid’s reach.
Those cabinets locks from Safety 1st are almost invisible and won’t deface your kitchen decor. They are also very secure. Because you need a magnetic key to open the lock on the other side of the panel.
For all the shipping details and price for the Safety 1st magnetic locking system, check Amazon here.
6. Cabinet Latch

Safety 1st cabinet and drawer latches
The cabinet latch is the most common type of cabinet lock. Those cabinet latches are the first child lock we install at our house.
These cabinet and drawer latches from Safety 1st are very affordable, simple to operate and also invisible from the outside. The little plastic latch is installed inside the cabinet and you need press it down to unlock the door or the drawer.
For all the shipping details and price for the Safety 1st cabinet and drawer latches, check Amazon here.
7. Cabinet straps

Munchkin Xtraguard dual action latches
Some cabinets can be complicated to childproof, and you’ll need an alternative solution.
These cabinet straps don’t require any tools to be installed and can be adapted to any shapes.
These dual action plastic straps from Munchkin are also an excellent solution to lock the appliance; refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher or washing machine.
For all the shipping details and price for the Munchkin Xtraguard dual action latches, check Amazon here.
8. Medicine safe

Dreambaby Medi Guard medicine lock box
Some products, like medicine, should have their special childproof box. The content is too dangerous to be accessible to your child.
This safe was specially made to contain the poisonous or toxic items to keep out of your baby reach.
For all the shipping details and price for the Dreambaby Medi Guard medicine lock box, check Amazon here.
9. Door knob covers

KidCo doorknob lock
Some doors in your home should not be open by your kid. Especially with doors leading to the staircase or the garage. What’s on the other side can be dangerous to your child. The problem is you need easy access to those rooms and having them lock all the time is not a good solution.
This childproofing device will make the doorknob inaccessible to your kid while keeping it easily maneuverable by an adult.
For all the shipping details and price for the KidCo doorknob lock, check Amazon here.
10. Door lock

Childproof deluxe door top lock
At some point, the doorknob cover won’t keep your kid from opening the door. This door lock is the most secure solution to keep older kids from opening a door.
The lock is installed at the top of the door, out of your kid’s reach. The latch slides on top of the door and locks into a peg mount on the door frame.
For all the shipping details and price for this childproof deluxe door top lock, check Amazon here.
11. Bi-fold door lock

Deluxe bi-fold door lock
Some closet doors are foldable and therefore an exceptional opportunity to pinch little fingers. This bi-fold door lock was made especially to childproof this type of door.
The installation is quite simple, and no tools are required. The plastic sliding latch is almost invisible and will fit within any room decor.
For all the shipping details and price for this bi-fold door lock, check Amazon here.
12. Pocket door lock

Door Smoocher
Pocket doors are also a peril to your little explorer hands.
This childproof lock is easy to install and will not damage the door. The lock comes in white, but you can paint over to fit with the color of the room. I would suggest you install the lock high enough on the side of the door, so it’s out of your kid’s reach.
For all the shipping details and price for the Door Smoocher, check Amazon here.
13. Deadbolt lock

Safety 1st secure mount deadbolt lock
The deadbolt lock is something you will want to childproof at some point. Sure your baby is just crawling, and he won’t reach the door lock, but someday he will.
When children start to play with the deadbolt, it could create unpleasant and dangerous consequences. From getting trapped outside the house to unlocking the door to strangers.
Before your toddler takes a walk around the block, you should put this deadbolt lock on your todo list. The installation is simple.
For all the shipping details and price for the Safety 1st secure mount deadbolt lock, check Amazon here.
14. One Piece Door Stop

Mommy’s Helper doorstop
The door stoppers you have in your house are potential choking hazards to your crawling baby or curious toddler. The removable caps at the end of the spring has been responsible for numerous child going to the ER. Also, I can’t count how many times my kids have pinched their fingers while playing with the spring.
This one piece door stopper solve the problem and still protect your door.
For all the shipping details and price for the Mommy’s Helper doorstop, check Amazon here.
15. Finger pinch preventer

Safety 1st Prograde finger pinch preventer
Kids love to play with doors until they get their little finger pinch. The next day, they forget all about it and start to play with the door again.
To prevent this recurrent pain, you could install this pinch guard on the side of your doors. This finger guard stops the door from completely closing.
This simplistic invention will also prevent your toddler from locking himself in the room.
For all the shipping details and price for the Safety 1st Prograde finger pinch preventer, check Amazon here.
16. Window guard

Guardian Angel child safety window guard
You can’t only rely on the screen to keep your children from falling off the window. The weight of your kid is enough to push off the screen.
By installing safety window guards, you’ll prevent such dangerous accident. The guard can hold up to 150 pounds of pressure and can be adjusted to any size of windows opening.
Before moving into our house, we use to live on the third floor of an apartment building. The windows were low and very accessible to our kids. I was always nervous and would go back into the room a hundred time a day to see if the window were closed. Those window guards have provided me the peace of mind I needed.
For all the shipping details and price for the Guardian Angel child safety window guard, check Amazon here.
17. Blind cord wraps

Dreambaby blind cord wraps
All baby proof experts will agree that a loose cord is a strangulation risk for your children. If your window blinds have wires, you should secure them with this cord wrap.
No need to cut them off or try to do a knot, with this quick solution you can adequately secure the cord, while also keep them accessible.
The installation is easy, and it’s made of transparent plastic, so it fits in any room decor.
For all the shipping details and price for the Dreambaby blind cord wraps, check Amazon here.
Some piece of furniture in your house might need to be baby proof. Especially the sharp edge of the coffee table or the unstable flat screen TV.
Check out the following essential products to childproof your furniture.
18. Furniture safety brackets

Mommy’s Helper safety brackets
Your library in the living room or the dresser in your kid’s bedroom could easily tip over if your child decides to climb or pull on it by accident. This type of accident happens every year, and the consequences are disastrous.
I would advise using safety brackets to secure your furniture to the wall. The nylon straps are easily detachable if you need to move the furniture when you’re cleaning the room.
For all the shipping details and price for the Mommy’s Helper safety brackets, check Amazon here.
19. Flat screen TV straps

Safety Baby metal straps
Your TV is at risk of falling too! Even if the TVs are getting thinner and lightweight, they are still a serious threat to your kid safety.
You should secure your flat screen TV using a strap attaches to the wall or the back of the stand. This will ensure the TV from falling on your kid, plus it will protect it from damage.
For all the shipping details and price for the Safety Baby metal straps, check Amazon here.
20. Corner protectors

Roving Cove corner protectors
When your kid starts to walk, you must anticipate that he will fall. Eventually, he’ll bump his head on the coffee table or the kitchen island.
In my experience, those accidents can be hazardous. My son almost pokes his eye with the sharp corner of the TV stand while he was running in the living room.
Therefore, you should not neglect to install corner protectors on the edges of the furniture. Plus they can prevent a surprise visit to the ER.
For all the shipping details and price for the Roving Cove corner protectors, check Amazon here.
21. Foam Play mat

Skip Hop Playspot foam play mat
The hardwood floor or the ceramic tiles are not the smoothest surfaces for your kid to play. Your kid needs a safe area, where he can play and learn to sit or crawl.
Installing a foam mat in the play area of the room will protect your precious baby from knocking his fragile head on a hard surface.
For all the shipping details and price for the Skip Hop Playspot foam play mat, check Amazon here.
Electricity and children is not a good mix. The electrical outlets and the cables need to be childproof to dodge the accidental shocking or tripping on the cord.
22. Plug cover

Jambini self-closing outlet covers
The electrical outlets in your home are a risk for your toddler. His little fingers might try to insert his favorite toy in the outlet, and this can cause significant injuries.
Therefore you should install covers on your electrical outlets. They are easy to install and won’t need specials tools.
The sliding covers are safe and much more easy to operate than the push plug. After using the push plug in my home for almost two years, I started to think they were also parent proof.
Those self-closing outlet covers are way more secure because the push version is so hard to pull off that you’ll be tempted never to put them back.
For all the shipping details and price for the Jambini self-closing outlet covers, check Amazon here.
23. Outlet covers

LectraLock electrical outlet cover
After securing the unused electrical outlets, you should consider childproofing the one being used.
With this covers, your kids won’t be able to unplug the cable or play with the outlets. The case is child proof, and only an adult can open the plastic box to reach the wires.
For all the shipping details and price for the LectraLock electrical outlet cover, check Amazon here.
24. Power strip cover

Safety 1st power strip cover
The power strips are also a significant risk for your kid. Just like the electrical outlet your kid could try to insert an object and get shocked.
By adding a childproof cover to the power strip, you ‘ll keep the electric cable out of your kid’s reach, while also been easily accessible for you. The cover can accommodate any size of power strips and is mountable to the wall.
For all the shipping details and price for the Safety 1st power strip cover, check Amazon here.
25. Electric cord shortener

Cable Turtle Organizer
Dangling electric cords are a strangulation risk for your child. Also, your kid could pull on the cable and receive a heavy object on the head.
Those loose wire should be hidden behind furniture, and if you can’t, you should use this electric cord shorter. The device can hold up to 4 feet of retracted wire and can accommodate most type of cable.
For all the shipping details and price for the Cable Turtle Organizer, check Amazon here.
26. Cord cover kit

Cord cover kit
Another great solution to hide wires is to secure them to the wall. With this kit, you’ll be able to cover the cable in the room. It’s the same childproofing product that school or daycare are using to hide loose wires.
For all the shipping details and price for this cord cover kit, check Amazon here.
When babyproofing we always start inside our house, but we must consider the yard as an extension of the home. Therefore you should consider childproofing the following areas.
27. Outdoor Safety Gate

Cardinal Gates outdoor gate
If your lucky enough to have a balcony or a porch and you want to enjoy it with your kid, you must consider installing a safety gate. The type of safety you install outside is not the same as inside. This gate is more robust and made from water-resistant material.
For all the shipping details and price for the Cardinal Gates outdoor gate, check Amazon here.
28. Railnet

Safety 1st kids safety Railnet
The space between the railing of your deck or your porch might be too broad, and your kid could easily pass through. An unsafe balcony railing could lead to a severe fall or getting his head stuck.
This is why I recommend adding a Railnet or simple chicken wire to secure the railing.
For all the shipping details and price for the Safety 1st kids safety Railnet, check Amazon here.
29. Pool fence
Any pool owner should have a proper fence to guard the access of the pool area. In some cities, it’s an obligation, even if you don’t have children. Depending on the type of pool you have and your budget, you’ll find plenty of options to keep your kids safe.
I would recommend contacting your local store to get the fence installed by professionals.
30. Poolguard alarm

Poolguard alarm
Your swimming pool is the biggest danger to your kid. Even if your pool is surrounded by a tall fence and has a locked door, you never know when you or your guest could forget to close the door. Drowning can occur in a matter of seconds and can happen to anyone.
I recommend to every parent who has a pool in their backyard to install a Poolguard alarm. The alarm is mounted on the gate and will detect if a child as enters the pool area. It will alert you even if the child closes the gate.
For all the shipping details and price for the Pool Door Alarm, check Amazon here.
Also, if you have an in-ground pool, I recommend installing a pool safety alarm that detect if something or someone enters the water. The alarm is sensible enough to detect if a child as fall into the water. It can even be used under a solar blanket.
For all the shipping details and price for the PoolGuard in-ground pool alarm, check Amazon here.
Your kitchen is if full of potential danger for your kid. I would strongly advise you fence the kitchen area with a baby gate. If you can’t or just prefer an alternative solution to childproof your kitchen, check the following suggestions.
31. Stove knob covers

Safety 1st child proof stove knob covers
Check if your oven has the knobs in the front. If it’s the case, your kids can quickly ignite the stove. Starting the stove by accident can have serious consequence. From getting seriously burn or lighting a fire, none of those options are acceptable.
You can avoid this situations by installing child-proof knob covers.
For all the shipping details and price for the Safety 1st child proof stove knob covers, check Amazon here.
32. Oven lock

Safety 1st Oven Front Lock
The oven is not a place for a kid, because it’s probably the most dangerous place in your kitchen. He could severely burn himself or get his head bump by the open door.
Therefore you should install the oven front lock from Safety 1st. This childproof lock is easy to install and durable. The easy solution to keep your baby out of the oven.
Also, if you have a gas oven, this device could prevent an accidental gas leak on your home.
For all the shipping details and price for the Safety 1st Oven Front Lock, check Amazon here.
33. Safety strap for seating

Jolly Jumper universal safety strap for seating
Most kids under 2-year-old have difficulty to seat at a regular kitchen chair.
If you don’t have a high chair for your kid, you should seriously consider getting a safety strap for seating. The strap will prevent your kid from slipping off the chair.
Pro tips: The safety strap is also great to have when you visit your family or friends with your baby. We always had one in the car, just in case.
For all the shipping details and price for the Jolly Jumper universal safety strap for seating, check Amazon here.
You bathroom contain cleaning product and items that could be dangerous to your kid. You definitely want to take the time to childproof the essential in this room.
34. Bathtub Mat

Gorilla Grip original bathtub mat
The bottom of a bathtub is slippery and even more when you add soap. Your child could easily slide hand severely bump his head.
Wearing a helmet in the bathtub is not practical, and that’s why I prefer to install a simple anti-slip rubber mat in the tub. The mat will prevent your baby from sliding.
For all the shipping details and price for the Gorilla Grip original bathtub mat, check Amazon here.
35. Bath spout cover

Skip Hop Moby bath spout cover
The bathtub spout is famous for making children cry. My kids got bruises or burnt because of the spout.
The bath spout cover is made of soft rubber and will prevent all those injuries. Plus, it will make bath time more fun for your kid.
It easily adjustable to any spouts and the plastic is BPS/PVC free.
For all the shipping details and price for the Skip Hop Moby bath spout cover, check Amazon here.
36. Toilet seat lock

Mommy’s Helper toilet seat lid-lok
The toilet is not a place to play, it’s full of germs, and your kid could pinch his small fingers between the seat and the lids.
To prevent your kid from falling accidentally in the toilet or flushing down his favorite plush toy, you should think about installing this toilet seat lock by Mommy’s Helper.
The lock is installed on the edge of the seat, and only an adult can open the child-proof latch.
For all the shipping details and price for the Mommy’s Helper toilet seat lid-lok, check Amazon here.
Always keep an eye on your little one
It’s impossible to be behind your kid all day and watching his every move while trying to take care of your home. At some point, you will need to go to the bathroom, cook food or do the laundry. Your home must be secure enough for your kid to explore without being in danger.
On the other hand, if you want to get things done while your baby is napping or playing in his room, you can also use a baby monitor. Check out this guide I created, if you are not sure which type of baby monitor you need.